Personal finance is the whole processes involved in earning income, receiving gifts, saving money and spending money. Personal finance is very vital to every human's existence. It is like a blood flowing through the veins of human beings, and hence it should be handled with care and prominence it deserves
Personal finance is the whole processes involved in earning income, receiving gifts, saving money and spending money. Personal finance is very vital t...
Double Entry Bookkeeping and Adjustments is an extension of double entry bookkeeping. You will find everything you need to know about double entry bookkeeping in this book.
Double Entry Bookkeeping and Adjustments is an extension of double entry bookkeeping. You will find everything you need to know about double entry boo...
This book is the first edition of Budgeting and Budgetary Control. It is designed for business professionals, students and people that want to acquire knowledge of budgeting.
This book is the first edition of Budgeting and Budgetary Control. It is designed for business professionals, students and people that want to acquire...
It has been discovered that multiple choice questions have become integral parts of all financial accounting examinations in the world nowadays. This book includes many multiple choice questions and answers on accounting ratio. The book is designed and prepared for candidates preparing for financial accounting examinations. It is very useful for students in high schools/secondary schools and tertiary institutions who want to know the rudiments of financial accounting. The book contains various questions on accounting/financial ratios. Answers and explanations are also provided in the book....
It has been discovered that multiple choice questions have become integral parts of all financial accounting examinations in the world nowadays. This ...
Double Entry Bookkeeping is the foundation of Financial Accounting. Anybody that does not have proper understanding of Double Entry Bookkeeping, may find Financial Accounting difficult. Principles of double entry have been well explained in this book. Different approaches of solving single entry and incomplete records have been explained in the book as well. There are many questions and answers on double entry bookkeeping, single entry transactions and incomplete records in this book.
Double Entry Bookkeeping is the foundation of Financial Accounting. Anybody that does not have proper understanding of Double Entry Bookkeeping, may f...