Physics is the science that deals with the properties and interrelationship of matter and energy. It studies mechanics, heat, light, sound, electricity, magnetism, radiation, and atomic structure. This tale stretches from 2000 BCE to 1945 and introduces the reader to the brilliant men, from Thales of Miletos to Albert Einstein, who, working alone or collaboratively, made it all possible.
Physics is the science that deals with the properties and interrelationship of matter and energy. It studies mechanics, heat, light, sound, electricit...
The breathing difficulty continued, and he couldn't get up. It seemed as if he was being held down. He felt a sense of panic, but at the same time, he felt as if he was drifting into a deeper phase of sleep. For a short time, he fought these conflicting sensations, but eventually he surrendered to the latter feeling. One by one, prominent staff physicians of Covenant Hospital in Chicago are dying under mysterious circumstances. When Dr. Harrison is found dead in bed, it appears to be a tragic heart attack. Then Dr. Spann dies of meningitis. When Dr. Albert is found dead in his garage from an...
The breathing difficulty continued, and he couldn't get up. It seemed as if he was being held down. He felt a sense of panic, but at the same time, he...