Sad Piano Music in Syria is a collection of 45 poems about Syria and its people-from the memories of Syria before the civil war to its destruction and exodus of millions of refugees-told in verse from the point of view of a sixteen-year old Syrian American high school student. Also included is an interview session with four relocated Syrians, including two recent arrivals.
Sad Piano Music in Syria is a collection of 45 poems about Syria and its people-from the memories of Syria before the civil war to its destruct...
Quisiera expresar mi sincera compasion por las millones de personas alrededor del mundo quienes sufren o han perdido sus vidas debido a la tirania o el terrorismo. El pais de Siria, a cual se dedica este libro de poesia, Musica Triste de Piano en Siria, ha sufrido la perdida de cientos de millares de vidas en la Guerra Civil de Siria. Ademas de esto, millones de ciudadanos de Siria han sido desplazados de sus casas y convertidos en refugiados, buscando refugio en paises vecindarios, tambien como en paises lejanos. La tragedia nacional de Siria ha afectado muchos paises en el Medio Este,...
Quisiera expresar mi sincera compasion por las millones de personas alrededor del mundo quienes sufren o han perdido sus vidas debido a la tirania o e...
The Life of Bubbleman in School, focuses on the painful experience of being the victim of bullying in school. Awad's deep concern for social justice is expressed in comic book style in a short story about two friends who are bullied on a daily basis in school and how they face up to their challenge. Awad hopes this genre will appeal to young children and young adults and sensitize them to the harm done by bullying in an effort to put an end to this hurtful behavior, which begins at a young age and even continues into adulthood.
The Life of Bubbleman in School, focuses on the painful experience of being the victim of bullying in school. Awad's deep concern for social justice i...