Hip Hop Urban Fiction Some People live ordinary lives, while others live extraordinary lives. This young Bronx-kid, named Baser, decided early-on that he was going to be the latter. He began as an aspiring rapper, along with his becoming involved with a black militant group in Harlem. Baseer developed this revolutionary undertone, and his group began using their music to address the social ills that existed in their city. Eventually, that revolutionary mentality evolved into a criminal one for Baseer and Powerful. That's when they both began to engage in a life of petty crime, landing...
Hip Hop Urban Fiction Some People live ordinary lives, while others live extraordinary lives. This young Bronx-kid, named Baser, decided early-on that...
The Fiery Furnace is a compelling work that chronicles some of the author's most eye-opening and life changing experiences while incarcerated. In this intimate memoir, Now Born reflects on important periods in his life. Also, past ways and deeds which ultimately landed him in prisons. This book is comprised of twenty short stories - true accounts in which names, dates and locales are all left anonymous. Within each story exists an underlying principle and readers are also privileged to learn the author's position on subject like God, religion, heath and values. Some will find this book...
The Fiery Furnace is a compelling work that chronicles some of the author's most eye-opening and life changing experiences while incarcerated. In this...