Monsters and ghosts, madness and murder, fear and suspense - this second volume in the 3VIL series features an all-new trilogy of original, spine-tingling horror stories which cover the entire spectrum of darkest evil: 1. A distraught mother cannot understand her young daughter's odd behavior. Are her disturbing tales simply born from her precocious imagination, or does she speak the truth about a dark and mysterious underworld? 2. A depressed man retreats to his family's cabin for some loneliness in the middle of nowhere. Will he enjoy the company of the odd creature which stalks him from...
Monsters and ghosts, madness and murder, fear and suspense - this second volume in the 3VIL series features an all-new trilogy of original, spine-ting...
Monsters and ghosts, madness and murder, fear and suspense - this third volume in the 3VIL series features an all-new trilogy of original, spine-tingling horror stories which cover the entire spectrum of darkest evil: 1. A bickering couple drives together through a dark desert at night. When they enter the domain of a vicious monster, can they survive its carnage until morning? 2. An old man buys a dream. When the product is defective, is there a warranty to cover the nightmare? 3. A pair of defenseless children are trapped alone in the worst part of town. Can a young boy lead his baby sister...
Monsters and ghosts, madness and murder, fear and suspense - this third volume in the 3VIL series features an all-new trilogy of original, spine-tingl...