Everything You Need To Know To Begin Reading Tarot Cards Today Learn everything you need to know about reading tarot cards This book is for anyone who is interested in learning how to read tarot cards. It is designed so that even a beginner can start reading tarot cards today and be able to understand how the positions of the cards in a spread affect their meaning. You will learn what a spread is and how to lay the cards out in several different tarot spreads. You will understand what each of the tarot cards mean and how to interpret them for each specific seeker and you will understand how...
Everything You Need To Know To Begin Reading Tarot Cards Today Learn everything you need to know about reading tarot cards This book is for anyone who...
Witchcraft- The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Mastering Witchcraft in 30 Minutes or Less Learn everything you need to know about witchcraft and it's techniques, like casting a spell circle, invoking Gods and Goddess, closing the spell circle etc. This book is for beginners who are interested in stepping into the magical world of witchcraft, but are unsure where to begin. Most beginners remain puzzled where they should start; this book is particularly for them. You will learn about the basic rituals of the craft. A simple way of casting a spell circle is by connecting with the divine, invoking...
Witchcraft- The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Mastering Witchcraft in 30 Minutes or Less Learn everything you need to know about witchcraft and it's t...