The Power of Zahn is the coming of age story of a thirty-something megahero named Hans Halvorsen. On December 6, 1994, as his band, The Spitting Cobras, is one gig away from a record deal, fate disguised as tragedy freezes Hans to the core and sinks its teeth deep into his left forearm, leaving the mark of the Great Beaver and sending Halvorsen into a deep coma he'll come to refer to as the Darkness. Hans, in a sense, dies on that day and Zahn is born. The sounds of old country music and a quiet voice find him in the black. The voice belongs to Bart Featherstone and speaks of Hans's destiny...
The Power of Zahn is the coming of age story of a thirty-something megahero named Hans Halvorsen. On December 6, 1994, as his band, The Spitting Cobra...