A commoner named Maxter Anfred in modern era flirts with paranormal experiment accidentally allows him to summon intelligent non human beings to earth using a spot light. He was demanded by the space visitors to be a representative for human kind for negotiation with the latter. The visitors bestows the earth humans three gifts. Maxter finds himself in a fix whether he could lead the humans to a new era of human civilization or extinction. He regrets his experiment outcome when he realised the space visitors wanted the earthlings to pit against the Zarkano, the visitors creation.
A commoner named Maxter Anfred in modern era flirts with paranormal experiment accidentally allows him to summon intelligent non human beings to earth...
A commoner named Maxter Anfred in modern era flirts with paranormal experiment accidentally allows him to summon intelligent non human beings to earth using a spot light. He was demanded by the space visitors to be a representative for human kind for negotiation with the latter. The visitors bestows the earth humans three gifts. Maxter finds himself in a fix whether he could lead the humans to a new era of human civilization or extinction. He regrets his experiment outcome when he realised the space visitors wanted the earthlings to pit against the Zarkano, the visitors creation.
A commoner named Maxter Anfred in modern era flirts with paranormal experiment accidentally allows him to summon intelligent non human beings to earth...