Short Description of Story: "Magnificent Mike" is a six book junior detective series inspired by both Doctor Seuss and J.K. Rowling. This is a sure fire family hit with high marketing capabilities. "Magnificent Mike" is a 6 book series where kids will witness Mike grow from a young boy, to the world's best junior detective. The following is story 1 of 6, watch the lessons learned by Mike in this wholesome family story.
Short Description of Story: "Magnificent Mike" is a six book junior detective series inspired by both Doctor Seuss and J.K. Rowling. This is a sure fi...
Short Description of Story: "Baby Bedtime Dreams" is a book inspired by my daughter summer, this is one of the stories I wrote for her to help her go to sleep at night.
Short Description of Story: "Baby Bedtime Dreams" is a book inspired by my daughter summer, this is one of the stories I wrote for her to help her go ...