Everybody is searching for a special and permanent place of contentment and happiness: the kingdom of God. There is a yearning within that keeps tugging at the heartstrings of every man and woman on the planet. It is a calling that all people are desperately trying to answer, (it is God Himself calling us back to our spiritual homes) but unfortunately, most people misunderstand the nature of the calling and they travel down the wrong avenues in an effort to find the source and purpose of the calling. "The Power Of Spiritology" will put you on the right track, and that inner hunger for...
Everybody is searching for a special and permanent place of contentment and happiness: the kingdom of God. There is a yearning within that keeps tuggi...
Fear is the root cause of all worldly problems and disasters of human origin. Mishaps, mental issues, physical sickness, and wars occur simply because people are afraid of each other and afraid of life. There seems to be no answer for it all because things seem to be getting worse as time goes by. This book will provide the solutions you seek; you may not be able to solve all the world's problems but you will be able to conquer you very own personal world by reclaiming your fearless nature. This book shows you exactly how to do that.
Fear is the root cause of all worldly problems and disasters of human origin. Mishaps, mental issues, physical sickness, and wars occur simply because...
Unleash power you never dreamed you had or even thought was possible. Influence people and events. Design your life exactly the way you've always envisioned. All this and more can be your present time reality by understanding and utilizing the way of the warlock. This book is a practical guide on living a victorious stress-free (albeit magical) life.
Unleash power you never dreamed you had or even thought was possible. Influence people and events. Design your life exactly the way you've always envi...
All day everyday, you are being influenced and even controlled by words in both your inner (mental) and outer (physical) worlds. For most people it tends to be a mindless mechanical way of living life because they blindly follow along with whatever prerecorded instructions (whether good or bad) that are engrained in their minds. They react to life as opposed to being in control of life; they therefore fear life. By practicing the techniques (of wordology) as prescribed in this book, you can not only regain conscious control of your life, but you can even control other people and circumstances...
All day everyday, you are being influenced and even controlled by words in both your inner (mental) and outer (physical) worlds. For most people it te...
Spiritualistening defined is listening to the voice of your spirit. Listening to the spiritual voice is indeed an art. Many believe that they can distinguish the good voice of the spirit, but lack of obedience to it says otherwise. What most fail to realize is this. The inner hearer that they believe is listening to the voice of spirit really cannot hear it all at. The inner hearer that most people operate from] is designed to disregard the good voice. There is another Hearer within that must be contacted so that obedience to the good voice can be activated. Thus, the "Art of...
Spiritualistening defined is listening to the voice of your spirit. Listening to the spiritual voice is indeed an art. Many believe that they can dist...
The reptilian species serpent race] does exist. The so-called illuminati are alive and well, and they are in control of the world as we know it. But are they really in control or are they mere hand puppets of the serpent people. Are the serpent people really from another solar system? Do they really dwell in cleverly concealed underground caverns? Are they truly harvesting mankind like cattle to be bred for food? What is their relationship to the "Greys?" Many believe that the Reptilia are demons fallen angels]; is this true? The answers to all these questions and more are in this book....
The reptilian species serpent race] does exist. The so-called illuminati are alive and well, and they are in control of the world as we know it. But ...