While living in his home town working on wind and solar projects, Derek found himself the victim of a horrific and terrifying attack. Knocked unconscious and stabbed over fifty times throughout his body...Derek managed to survive over twelve hours until help arrived. This is a true account of that traumatic night and how God's Love saved his life.
While living in his home town working on wind and solar projects, Derek found himself the victim of a horrific and terrifying attack. Knocked unconsci...
While living in his home town working on wind and solar projects, Derek found himself the victim of a horrific and terrifying attack. Knocked unconscious and stabbed over fifty times throughout his body...Derek managed to survive over twelve hours until help arrived. This is a true account of that traumatic night and how God's Love saved his life.
While living in his home town working on wind and solar projects, Derek found himself the victim of a horrific and terrifying attack. Knocked unconsci...