Discover How Your Chakras Can Easily Be Activated And Balanced To Build A Strong Character & A Better Life Today You might know about the miraculous physical benefits you can get from balancing your Chakras, but did you know the mental benefits are even greater? Your Chakras are powerful vortices of energy that can unlock different parts of your brain and help you become a more well rounded and balanced person. The only problem, is that the concepts of Chakras and Kundalini are highly misunderstood by most people. These concepts are extremely popular in the...
Discover How Your Chakras Can Easily Be Activated And Balanced To Build A Strong Character & A Better Life Today You might know about the mirac...
Discover How Yin Yoga Will Balance Your Modern Yoga Practice While Developing A Strong Mind-Body Connection In my book "Yin Yoga" you'll learn how practicing yin yoga can and should be the perfect fit to balance out your yang yoga practice. You might be thinking...what the heck is yang yoga? Well, the answer is: pretty much all forms of popular yoga that have taken Western culture by storm. Think sweaty, flow-y ashtanga and vinyasa forms of yoga. I realize that all this might seem a bit overwhelming, but I promise it's quite simple. All things In Life Can Be Broken Down Into...
Discover How Yin Yoga Will Balance Your Modern Yoga Practice While Developing A Strong Mind-Body Connection In my book "Yin Yoga" you'll learn how...
Have You Seen Zendoodle Works Of Art And Been Inspired To Create Your Own...But Don't Even Know Where To Start? Maybe you're not even sure what Zendoodle is, or simply don't feel like you're qualified to be an artist... If any of these scenarios apply to you, then Volume 4 of my Zendoodle Mastery Series is the answer you've been looking for I'll walk you through, step by step in pictures, each of the 101 NEW patterns so that you know exactly how to re-create them in your own artwork Plus, I've included 20 of my own hand-drawn pieces so you can more easily...
Have You Seen Zendoodle Works Of Art And Been Inspired To Create Your Own...But Don't Even Know Where To Start? Maybe you're not even sure what...