A quiet six-year-old girl, brought to America in 1955, was welcomed into the loving home of family members who adopted her as their own cherished daughter. Raised by a gentle, strong father and beautiful, elegant mother, Rose learned through discipline, guidance, and unconditional love what it meant to seek God, strive for excellence in all things, and respect others without compromising oneself. Upon this foundation would she build the rest of her life in spite of the storms that would soon test her.
As a young woman, Rose was no stranger to grief: at the age of nine, she lost her...
A quiet six-year-old girl, brought to America in 1955, was welcomed into the loving home of family members who adopted her as their own cherished daug...
A quiet six-year-old girl, brought to America in 1955, was welcomed into the loving home of family members who adopted her as their own cherished daughter. Raised by a gentle, strong father and beautiful, elegant mother, Rose learned through discipline, guidance, and unconditional love what it meant to seek God, strive for excellence in all things, and respect others without compromising oneself. Upon this foundation would she build the rest of her life in spite of the storms that would soon test her.
As a young woman, Rose was no stranger to grief: at the age of nine, she lost her...
A quiet six-year-old girl, brought to America in 1955, was welcomed into the loving home of family members who adopted her as their own cherished daug...