Advertising plays a very important role in modern business. Due to excessive specialization, mass production and competition, advertising has become an indispensable activity in business. It is growing as the back bone of modern national and international marketing. Advertisements inform, guide, educate and protect the interest of the consumers. Advertisement which is a crux of any market economy plays a pivotal role in the economic progress of the nation. Customers today are extremely aware of the various brands in the market and are conscious of the products they use or consume. They pick...
Advertising plays a very important role in modern business. Due to excessive specialization, mass production and competition, advertising has become a...
The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) Ltd, popularly known as AVP Ltd was started during the year 1948. Ayurveda medicine procurement and manufacturing of medicine is the main activity of the organization. Company appointed dealers to make supply of medicine to customers in various parts of the country.The present analysis is a study on the prescribers perception towards ayurvedic proprietary products with special reference to AVP (Coimbatore) Ltd. Which will enable to analyse the awareness level of ayurvedic products among the prescribers. And this study enables to evaluate the perception...
The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) Ltd, popularly known as AVP Ltd was started during the year 1948. Ayurveda medicine procurement and manufacturin...