"Retsof, the Skateboarding Elf" is the story about one of Santa's helpers who is different from the others, and is not liked because he is different. But is being different from others really a bad thing? Through this heart-warming journey, Retsof meets new friends, lives out his dreams, and discovers Santa still needs him despite his differences.
"Retsof, the Skateboarding Elf" is the story about one of Santa's helpers who is different from the others, and is not liked because he is different. ...
"Circka, the Heavy- Metal Cat" is the second story from Everett L. Foster about a spunky, adorable kitty that discovers her true love for Heavy - Metal music. Circka surprises her owner, Everett, every day, with her skills and her personality. In this story, which is based on true events, she is sure to amaze you as well
"Circka, the Heavy- Metal Cat" is the second story from Everett L. Foster about a spunky, adorable kitty that discovers her true love for Heavy - Meta...