Charlie Newlands Darkhouse Multimedia Darkhouse Multimedia
A tale of camaraderie that lays bare the delicate sinews of the human condition, as Albert Hoffman's bastard sons go mad in a remote seaside town, perched upon the very quivering tip of Scotland. Danny is one messed up puppy and there's no turning back, as each aspect of his reality dissolves into a kind of hellish internal monologue that takes on a deranged persona, smirking back at him like a melon on peyote. Brace yourself, then, for a faceful of human disaster, paranormal commotion laced with personal downfall and death, along with a large portion of deja vu for pudding. Danny Texas is...
A tale of camaraderie that lays bare the delicate sinews of the human condition, as Albert Hoffman's bastard sons go mad in a remote seaside town, per...