John Smith, a recently divorced man as average as his name implies, arrives home from his job at a rubber band factory to find a ticket for a cruise ship vacation in his mailbox. The mysterious note with the ticket simply says: "It's Time." During seven days of various Caribbean destinations and sea days, John meets a diverse blend of passengers and crew who influence his life in monumental ways. Each new day brings new experiences, pleasures, challenges to overcome, and tantalizing clues about the source of the ticket. Ordinary and typical John Smith's life-changing vacation, where the...
John Smith, a recently divorced man as average as his name implies, arrives home from his job at a rubber band factory to find a ticket for a cruise s...
Corvus Rising is a modern American fantasy tale told in part from the point of view of crows, about an extraordinary yet nearly extinct group of humans who speak their language. Together, humans, crows, ravens, and a multitude of other birds, unite and take a stand against the destruction of an enchanted island. The story opens as Jade Matthews, a gifted painter with a vivid imagination, awakens from a nightmare in which a band of crows has broken into her bedroom through a large window. She fears that the crows are looking for her most treasured possession: a strange medallion given to her...
Corvus Rising is a modern American fantasy tale told in part from the point of view of crows, about an extraordinary yet nearly extinct group of human...