The minstrel Gastel Etzwane lives in Shant -- a country of cantons, each independently dictating its own law and customs. The enforcement of law is simple, quick, and inevitable: death by decapitation, from an explosive torc clamped around each citizen's neck by authority of a single man -- the Anome. For millennia Anomes have ruled Shant, dealing death as they see fit -- and none dares defy them, until Gastel Etzwane risks his head to expose the Anome's identity -- and end the tyranny of these faceless men forever. - Jack King
On the fringes of the Gaean Reach, the cantons of Shant...
The minstrel Gastel Etzwane lives in Shant -- a country of cantons, each independently dictating its own law and customs. The enforcement of law is...
Where the Anomes once ruled stands young Gastel Etzwane, facing a mortal threat to his homeland. Hordes of Red Roguskhoi, armed by an unknown enemy, have swarmed out of the southern bogs to slaughter men, despoil women, and spread waves of terror. Through the peace imposed by the tyranny of the Anomes, men of Shant have lost the art of weaponry and war. Now Gastel must revive those skills to forge Shant's citizens into an army -- an army of the free. - Jack King
On the fringes of the Gaean Reach, the cantons of Shant on the planet Durdane are ruled by the reclusive Anome -- who...
Where the Anomes once ruled stands young Gastel Etzwane, facing a mortal threat to his homeland. Hordes of Red Roguskhoi, armed by an unknown enemy...
Gastel Etzwane and his army of Brave Free Men have driven the Roguskhoi from Durdane, only to discover that Durdane is but one tiny front -- a testing ground -- for an implacable enemy intent on subjugating all the worlds of man. Gastel and his people are in no position to resist, but must find a way to escape a slave army, then fight a war on behalf of mankind itself -- to defeat the Asutra. - Jack King
On the fringes of the Gaean Reach, the cantons of Shant on the planet Durdane are ruled by the reclusive Anome -- who coerces the population using explosive rings around the neck of...
Gastel Etzwane and his army of Brave Free Men have driven the Roguskhoi from Durdane, only to discover that Durdane is but one tiny front -- a test...
Quand on lui propose de passer quelques semaines a Positano, loge, nourri, blanchi et paye 10000 lires par jour, rien que pour faire des croquis au fusain de ce pittoresque village italien, Chuck Musgrave n'hesite pas un instant: ce sera toujours mieux que d'essayer de vendre ses dessins aux touristes de Rome Mais quelques heures a peine apres son arrivee, il se rend compte que l'affaire n'est pas aussi idyllique qu'il le croyait: Positano est peuple de droles de gens, avec de droles de secrets... dont certains sont mortels. Voici le quatrieme volume des Mysteres inedits de Jack Vance....
Quand on lui propose de passer quelques semaines a Positano, loge, nourri, blanchi et paye 10000 lires par jour, rien que pour faire des croquis au fu...
De jonge schilder Jantiff Ravensroke vertrekt op studiereis naar Wyst, de enige planeet van de witte ster Dwan, waarvan wordt beweerd dat haar glorieuze licht ieder oppervlak laat trillen met zijn ware kleur. Jantiff vestigt zich in de megapolis Uncibal waar men zich opmaakt om het Eeuwfeest van de Egalistische Samenleving te vieren die haar burgers in alle levensbehoeften voorziet, en daartoe slechts een 13-urige werkweek van iedereen verlangt. Maar terwijl hij de imposante stadsgezichten schildert - bontgekleurde woontorens in geometrisch gelid, badend in het zinderende licht van Dwan - en...
De jonge schilder Jantiff Ravensroke vertrekt op studiereis naar Wyst, de enige planeet van de witte ster Dwan, waarvan wordt beweerd dat haar glorieu...
In een tijd voor Koning Arthur wordt er in de koninklijke familie van Lyonesse, een van de bakkeleiende koninkrijken die samen de mythische archipel der Oude Eilanden uitmaken, een prinses geboren. Suldrun groeit op tot een ietwat dromerig meisje aan wie noch de complexe hofintriges, noch de uithuwelijkingsplannen van haar ambitieuze vader, koning Casmir, besteed zijn. Wanneer Suldrun naar een vergeten deel van de paleistuin verbannen wordt, begint een weergaloos avontuur waarin Grootmeester Jack Vance ons op zijn unieke manier meeneemt van de kerkers van kasteel Haidion naar het betoverde...
In een tijd voor Koning Arthur wordt er in de koninklijke familie van Lyonesse, een van de bakkeleiende koninkrijken die samen de mythische archipel d...
Night Lamp (in Russian) Found as a child with no memory of his past, adopted by a scholarly couple who raised him as their own, Jaro never quite fit into the rigidly defined Society of Thanet. When his foster parents are killed in a mysterious bombing, Jaro Fath sets out to discover the truth of his origins - a quest that will take him across light-years and into the depths of the past.
Night Lamp (in Russian) Found as a child with no memory of his past, adopted by a scholarly couple who raised him as their own, Jaro never...
Big Planet (in Russian) Big Planet is a far-away world where any metal is rare. Its surface area is 20 times that of Earth. It is populated by the descendants of outlaws and dissidents who formed many tribes and societies, each with its own strange customs. On the Big Planet, beauty and evil dwell in uneasy proximity. Charley Lysidder, the usurper of a powerful title of Bajarnum of Bojolais, seeks to rule the whole vast planet, while Claude Glystra leads a commission from Earth to investigate Lysidder's profitable and illegal space trade in weapons and slaves. Orbital sabotage...
Big Planet (in Russian) Big Planet is a far-away world where any metal is rare. Its surface area is 20 times that of Earth. It is populated ...