Isolated and depressed following the death of his wife, Robbie McDermott is living an aimless existence in rural Michigan - until the chance discovery of a British Library audio collection inspires him to write a novel as a means of bringing a sense of purpose to his days. Set in England between 1944 and 1975, McDermott's plot is centered upon his unlikely relationship with the violent Cracker McCracken, and the journey of the ill-matched pair from the bully-infested streets of their working-class childhood to their leadership of the most famous primary school in Britain. McDermott's...
Isolated and depressed following the death of his wife, Robbie McDermott is living an aimless existence in rural Michigan - until the chance discovery...
What it means to be filled with the fire of God, as the believers were at Pentecost Most Christians have, deep within them, a hunger for a more authentic and fulfilling experience of God. Set Me on Fire examines what it means to be filled with the fire of God, as the believers were at Pentecost. For over 20 years Malcolm Macdonald has been thinking about, studying, and teaching on this subject. Set Me On Fire is aimed at people who have a sense of spiritual hunger and desire for revival, but are not sure what this means, or how to get there. It uses the theme of the fire...
What it means to be filled with the fire of God, as the believers were at Pentecost Most Christians have, deep within them, a hunger for a more...