A compelling story of a starving young Texan who follows his championship dreams and winds up winning much more. In this gripping tale of self discovery, a rookie unexpectedly finds himself in a no-man's land, poor and alone, until two eccentric old men take him under their wing. The action, adventure, and emotion that ensue, due in part to a beautiful heiress, will keep you glued to the pages.
A compelling story of a starving young Texan who follows his championship dreams and winds up winning much more. In this gripping tale of self discove...
In the rugged hills of 1880's Tennessee, an intense family drama unfolds, reminding us that truth is indeed stranger, more harrowing, and more miraculous than fiction. Children Alone follows the true-life story of young Edmund Buck Yarbro and his sister Alice Delilah, detailing their struggles to survive against all odds and to emerge victorious over a series of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. At tender young ages, Edmund, Alice, and their three siblings-one of whom is mentally challenged-tragically lose their mother, an event that takes the family on an intense downward spiral into...
In the rugged hills of 1880's Tennessee, an intense family drama unfolds, reminding us that truth is indeed stranger, more harrowing, and more miracul...