The carceral experiences of women serving life sentences. 2017 Michigan Notable Book Selection presented by The Detroit Free Press
How do women - mothers, daughters, aunts, nieces and grandmothers - make sense of judgment to a lifetime behind bars? In Women Doing Life, Lora Bex Lempert presents a typology of the ways that life-sentenced women grow and self-actualize, resist prison definitions, reflect on and "own" their criminal acts, and ultimately create meaningful lives behind prison walls. Looking beyond the explosive...
The carceral experiences of women serving life sentences. 2017 Michigan Notable Book Selection presented by The...
The carceral experiences of women serving life sentences. 2017 Michigan Notable Book Selection presented by The Detroit Free Press
How do women - mothers, daughters, aunts, nieces and grandmothers - make sense of judgment to a lifetime behind bars? In Women Doing Life, Lora Bex Lempert presents a typology of the ways that life-sentenced women grow and self-actualize, resist prison definitions, reflect on and "own" their criminal acts, and ultimately create meaningful lives behind prison walls. Looking beyond the explosive...
The carceral experiences of women serving life sentences. 2017 Michigan Notable Book Selection presented by The...