This study develops a new indicator for national and global sustainability. The main components of the EIIW-vita indicator are: the share of renewable energy, the genuine savings rate and the relative "green export" position of the respective countries; it is in line with OECD requirements on composite indicators. As green exports are related to technological progress and environmental-friendly products, there is also a Schumpeterian perspective of this indicator. An extended version furthermore looks at water productivity. The analysis highlights the BRIICS countries as well as the US,...
This study develops a new indicator for national and global sustainability. The main components of the EIIW-vita indicator are: the share of renewa...
This study develops a new indicator for national and global sustainability. Correlation analysis of the new sustainability indicator with the human development index indicates complementarity, so that a new hybrid superindicator can be constructed.Sustainability rhetoric dominates environmental policy.
This study develops a new indicator for national and global sustainability. Correlation analysis of the new sustainability indicator with the human de...