Matt Curry is a successful entrepreneur with A.D.D. In this book, he takes time to explore myths and truths of his A.D.D. experience. Here are some excerpts from the Introduction by Cameron Herold, author of the best-seller, Double Double: How to Double Your Revenue and Pro t in Three Years or Less. -Entrepreneurs are di-fferent. We're wired di-fferently. We're the 1%. To others, we're on the lunatic fringe, and to many, we're risk takers. However, when you get a group of entrepreneurs in a room together, we're pretty much all the same. One of the key traits that makes us who we are is that...
Matt Curry is a successful entrepreneur with A.D.D. In this book, he takes time to explore myths and truths of his A.D.D. experience. Here are some ex...