Despite the presence of many beautiful Advent songs in many of our hymnals, most of us would prefer to skip right to singing our favorite Christmas carols. But in our rush to get to the joy of Christmas, we forget what Advent is all about-watching and waiting for the coming of a promised king.
It is not about shopping, partying, gift wrapping, and vacationing. It is about resting, trusting, praying, and seeking. Through the words of moving Advent hymns and the powerful words of Scripture, Songs for the Waiting will help readers reclaim a sense of the beautiful anticipation...
Despite the presence of many beautiful Advent songs in many of our hymnals, most of us would prefer to skip right to singing our favorite Christmas...
This small-group study is based on Steve Harper's book Five Marks of a Methodist. Six sessions provide extended reflection for adults on the five identifiers that Wesley sets forth in -The Character of a Methodist, - which he published in 1742.
1. Character: The Marks of a Methodist 2. A Methodist Loves God 3. A Methodist Rejoices in God 4. A Methodist Gives Thanks 5. A Methodist Prays Constantly 6. A Methodist Loves Others
In -The Character of a Methodist, - Wesley clearly stated that he did not want to distinguish Methodism from any -real Christian...
This small-group study is based on Steve Harper's book Five Marks of a Methodist. Six sessions provide extended reflection for adults on the five i...
This small-group study is based on Steve Harper's book Five Marks of a Methodist. Six sessions provide extended reflection for adults on the five identifiers that Wesley sets forth in "The Character of a Methodist," which he published in 1742.
1. Character: The Marks of a Methodist 2. A Methodist Loves God 3. A Methodist Rejoices in God 4. A Methodist Gives Thanks 5. A Methodist Prays Constantly 6. A Methodist Loves Others
In "The Character of a Methodist," Wesley clearly stated that he did not want to distinguish Methodism from any "real Christian of...
This small-group study is based on Steve Harper's book Five Marks of a Methodist. Six sessions provide extended reflection for adults on the five i...