Born in Tarapoto, on the fringes of the Amazon Rainforest, Gregorio Delgado did not see a car or make a telephone call until going to high school in Lima. Influenced by this father, whose life was dedicated to the ailing in rural Peru, he chose a career in medicine and studied at the medical school in Trujillo. With the influence of Project Hope, he traveled to the United States to begin his training in Buffalo, New York. Electing to specialize in female cancer, Gregorio Delgado progressed to teach and practice at the nation's leading medical schools and hospitals. By his retirement, he had...
Born in Tarapoto, on the fringes of the Amazon Rainforest, Gregorio Delgado did not see a car or make a telephone call until going to high school in L...
Born in Tarapoto, on the fringes of the Amazon Rainforest, Gregorio Delgado did not see a car or make a telephone call until going to high school in Lima. Influenced by this father, whose life was dedicated to the ailing in rural Peru, he chose a career in medicine and studied at the medical school in Trujillo. With the influence of Project Hope, he traveled to the United States to begin his training in Buffalo, New York. Electing to specialize in female cancer, Gregorio Delgado progressed to teach and practice at the nation's leading medical schools and hospitals. By his retirement, he had...
Born in Tarapoto, on the fringes of the Amazon Rainforest, Gregorio Delgado did not see a car or make a telephone call until going to high school in L...
Nacido en Tarapoto en las cuencas de la amazonia, Gregorio Delgado no vio un carro, o hizo una llamada telefonica hasta que fue al colegio en Lima. Con la infl uencia de su padre que dedico' su vida a preservar la salud de los habitantes de la selva del Peru, decidio en una carrera en medicina, y estudio' en la Facultad de Medicina en Trujillo. Con la infl uencia del Proyecto Hope viajo' a los Estados Unidos y empezo su entrenamiento en Bufalo New York. Eligiendo como su especialidad cancer femenino, Gregorio Delgado progreso' ha ser miembro de la Facultad en las mejores escuelas de medicina...
Nacido en Tarapoto en las cuencas de la amazonia, Gregorio Delgado no vio un carro, o hizo una llamada telefonica hasta que fue al colegio en Lima. Co...