Thriller, sensacja, przygody ... Bohaterzy: Tadek Vangard z Polski, Steven Mac Dantosch z Australii i Melissa Charleroi z Belgii oraz czarne charaktery: Andreyev Golubin, szef KGB, Carlos terrorysta, Harry Gullivers, ojciec chrzestny mafii w USA, w tle zmagania KGB i CIA w celu odzyskania strategii Beehive, przypuszczalnie w posiadaniu Tadka Vangarda ...
Thriller, sensacja, przygody ... Bohaterzy: Tadek Vangard z Polski, Steven Mac Dantosch z Australii i Melissa Charleroi z Belgii oraz czarne charakter...
Anthology of enthralling, soul-soaring love poems. I express my deep wish readers will enjoy reading this book. If it will be the case then I will be able to say 'Mission Accomplished', thank you. I am the founder of "The Poetry Universe," "River of Poetry" and a number of other poetry groups on Facebook, known there under my adopted name Thaddeus Hutyra. Born in mountainous Rajcza, Poland. I spent my childhood and teenage years there studying and I also participated in the "Solidarity movement" against the communist regime. Emigrating to New Zealand when Poland was still in the Soviet thaw I...
Anthology of enthralling, soul-soaring love poems. I express my deep wish readers will enjoy reading this book. If it will be the case then I will be ...
Thriller, sensacja, przygody ... Bohaterzy: Tadek i Marek Vangard z Polski, i Steven Mac Dantosch z Australii oraz czarne charaktery: Andreyev Golubin, szef KGB, Carlos terrorysta, Harry Gullivers, ojciec chrzestny mafii w USA, w tle zmagania KGB i CIA w celu odzyskania strategii Beehive, przypuszczalnie w posiadaniu Tadka Vangarda ...
Thriller, sensacja, przygody ... Bohaterzy: Tadek i Marek Vangard z Polski, i Steven Mac Dantosch z Australii oraz czarne charaktery: Andreyev Golubin...