In The Adventures of Charlie Chevy and Franklin Ford, each fun story teaches children a valuable life lesson in a loving and encouraging manner. Little children come into this world and say, "Here I am What do I do, and how do I do it?" As loving parents it is our job to teach them and guide them on the path to healthy, happy, and fulfilled lives. (See Proverbs 22:6)
In The Adventures of Charlie Chevy and Franklin Ford, each fun story teaches children a valuable life lesson in a loving and encouraging manner. Li...
A little girls dreams of being a princess come true when she is ask to fill in for the real princess who is ill. She is in for a big surprise when she learns that a princess' life involves more than fun and beautiful gowns.
A little girls dreams of being a princess come true when she is ask to fill in for the real princess who is ill. She is in for a big surprise when ...