This treatise on the diseases of domestic animals has been written with the primary purpose of placing in the hands of stock owners, a book of practical worth; hence, all technical language or terms, as used by the professional veterinarian, have been eliminated and only such language used as all may read and understand. The treatment suggested in each case is one I have used and found efficient in my many years of practice. If my readers will study and follow these directions carefully, they will save themselves much unnecessary loss. My confidence in this accomplishment is my reward for my...
This treatise on the diseases of domestic animals has been written with the primary purpose of placing in the hands of stock owners, a book of practic...
This treatise on the diseases of domestic animals has been written with the primary purpose of placing in the hands of stock owners, a book of practical worth; hence, all technical language or terms, as used by the professional veterinarian, have been eliminated and only such language used as all may read and understand.
This treatise on the diseases of domestic animals has been written with the primary purpose of placing in the hands of stock owners, a book of practic...