What really happened to MH370? 'Stolen' is a thriller full of imagination that gives the means, motive and opportunity for the theft of MH370. Hang on for the ride of your life Manny Liu lives with his wife Li-Na and young daughter Li-Li above a Milk Bar in Melbourne Australia. Sadly, Li-Na's mother, Bao-Yu, dies. Ming, her father, demands that Li-Na return for the funeral in Beijing. The date is March 6th, 2014. At such short notice, Li-Na with Li-Li in tow must make the trip to Beijing via Kuala Lumpur. In Angola, Babs Angula, a retired warlord from the Angolan civil war, hatches a...
What really happened to MH370? 'Stolen' is a thriller full of imagination that gives the means, motive and opportunity for the theft of MH370. Hang on...