The Title of this Inspired Book may seem to be a bit Rude and Crude; but, after Studying "The BIG White OUTHOUSE on the Not-so-Biblical Capitol DUNGHILL," with a Capital S, the Honest and Sincere Reader will have to Confess with a Capital C that our Selected King has Called his "Shots" Correctly, and right on Target Yes, the Political Rabbits in the District of Criminals, in Washington, should have taken Better Care of George Washington's Backyard, you might say, and Cast the Offensive "Logs" Out of their own Judgmental Eyes, first, before Attempting to Cast Out the not-nearly-so-Offensive...
The Title of this Inspired Book may seem to be a bit Rude and Crude; but, after Studying "The BIG White OUTHOUSE on the Not-so-Biblical Capitol DUNGHI...