The word “anunnaki” means “princely offspring” (John 14:30) whom we call the devil or Satan, whose real name is Yaldabaoth. Dark or fallen angels or spirits really (Eph. 6:12) come to us in many ways, shapes, and forms (Hebrews 13:2). The book of the Babylonia, called Igigu, explains Rev. 13:1. The three ungodly spirits are Yaldabaoth, Sakla, Sammuel, and their seven authorities created this lower world and all of humanity out of his kingdom of the second heaven called outer darkness.
Truth can only come from God. The fullness is called Jesus, the Word of...
The word “anunnaki” means “princely offspring” (John 14:30) whom we call the devil or Satan, whose real name is Yaldabaoth....