The greatest secret of the Bible is the fact that the ancient Hebrews, in reality, were two different tribal groups who arrived in Canaan and then left for the Nile Delta at different times. Both peoples then made their Exodus from Egypt at different centuries and reconquered their places in Canaan independently. The Israelites and Judahites properly came together for the first and last time only in the United Monarchy, and this was mainly as a result of the Philistine threat. It was then too that the authors of the Bible merged the family trees and narratives of the northern and southern...
The greatest secret of the Bible is the fact that the ancient Hebrews, in reality, were two different tribal groups who arrived in Canaan and then lef...
I century B.C.E. - I century C.E. was a time in Judea's history that determined the development of religious and spiritual life not only of the Jewish people, but of all Western civilization as well. By the beginning of the new era, there emerged a numerous and powerful people - the Judeans. This great people were not so much direct descendants of the sons of Abraham, as they were of all the indigenous inhabitants of ancient Canaan, who lived or arrived there from pre-historic times. Rome's expansion turned the Judean kingdom into a Roman province, but, being the only place where absolute...
I century B.C.E. - I century C.E. was a time in Judea's history that determined the development of religious and spiritual life not only of the Jewish...