With the great help of my dear friend, and father-in-law Valery Pakhomov, I bring to you "Love...A Dove" Special Russian Edition. This book contains 20 photographs of exotic animals from the San Diego Zoo's Safari Park, paired with loving sentiments, to help teach the children of the world the importance of "Loving" the animals around them.
With the great help of my dear friend, and father-in-law Valery Pakhomov, I bring to you "Love...A Dove" Special Russian Edition. This book contains 2...
For my 18th book, I have selected to create a Step-by-Step guide for everyone to learn how to Self-Publish your book for FREE online. This book will teach anyone with any computer skill level how they can publish their own books. With detailed screenshots of each step in the process, you will learn how to create your publishing account, create the title of your book, ISBN assignment, cover and interior design, and finally uploading for approval and going 'live' online for sale. You will also learn how to set up your pricing, distribution channels, as well as eBook and website setup for your...
For my 18th book, I have selected to create a Step-by-Step guide for everyone to learn how to Self-Publish your book for FREE online. This book will t...
For my 10th book in the series "It Starts With A Canvas," I have selected an artist with a very unique style. Featured in this book is the incredibly dynamic creations of artist Augustine Tellez. With his utilization of both paint & brush along with spray paint, Augustine has the ability to create seemingly impossible detail with the use of this technique.
For my 10th book in the series "It Starts With A Canvas," I have selected an artist with a very unique style. Featured in this book is the incredibly ...
For my 11th book in the series "It Starts With A Canvas," I have designed a compilation of 7 San Diego artists and their amazing artwork. Each with their own unique style, but with the same goal: Expression through art This book is meant to show not only how many different techniques there are to art, but that It Starts With A Canvas. Featured in this book are these great artists: Katie Halvin Michael Richard Rosenblatt Alisa Hernandez Vanessa Christie Michelle Head Davina Mendoza Al Scholl
For my 11th book in the series "It Starts With A Canvas," I have designed a compilation of 7 San Diego artists and their amazing artwork. Each with th...