Synopsis: In this tale of bottomless holes and tortured souls, the author invites you along for a journey through the rural heart of West Virginia. Roman Merrick and his family have fallen on hard times in Rust Valley. The bills keep piling up and the debt mounts, Roman desperate for a solution to scrape his way out of the hole that's forming around him and everyone he loves. His salvation comes from another hole, a crack in the earth of the root cellar beneath his dilapidated home. There's an old scratchy voice in the dirt, promising better days and new horizons. The voice calls itself M. M...
Synopsis: In this tale of bottomless holes and tortured souls, the author invites you along for a journey through the rural heart of West Virginia. Ro...
There's a human monster stalking the streets in the little town of Greyfield. He has a taste for lollipops and he keeps a collection of terrible secrets locked away in glass jars. His addiction is the suffering of others and he'll go to any lengths to get that fix. The police don't suspect him. He hides in plain sight, the wolf among sheep. The only one that can stop him is a young boy named Jack, his latest victim. Jack is hopeless and dying when an unlikely savior comes to him, offering a deal that will aide him in exacting his vengeance against his kidnapper. All Jack has to do is invite...
There's a human monster stalking the streets in the little town of Greyfield. He has a taste for lollipops and he keeps a collection of terrible secre...