As the world witnessed a series of terrorist attacks on American soil, the U.S. President would rely on his best Navy Seals: Team Hellswindstaff, known to be the most lethal soldiers in the entire world. Having narrowly escaped captivity during mission Fahrenheit Ground Zero, team Hellswindstaff faced new challenges and new dangers during mission Fahrenheit Classified. Defending against terrorist attacks, protecting the American citizens and serving as personal protectors to the U.S. President, the team traveled foreign lands, exploring caves and tunnels, ultimately tracking their target and...
As the world witnessed a series of terrorist attacks on American soil, the U.S. President would rely on his best Navy Seals: Team Hellswindstaff, know...
As the world witnesses a series of terrorist attacks on American soil, the U.S. President relies on his best Navy SEALS - Hellz, Nok, and Four-Lung - known as Team Hellswindstaff. In efforts of capturing the most wanted terrorist in the World, Team Hellswindstaff, known to be the most lethal soldiers in the entire world, lead four missions: Ground Zero, Fahrenheit Classified, Fahrenheit Reclassified, and Fahrenheit Classified the Wrath of Hellswindstaff.
Fahrenheit Classified: Dawn of a New Era will birth a new generation of terrorists As the most lethal soldier, Agent...
As the world witnesses a series of terrorist attacks on American soil, the U.S. President relies on his best Navy SEALS - Hellz, Nok, and Four-Lung...