Un Bichito de Luz muy insistente que quiere convertirse en bebe se cuela en el sueno de mama y de papa. Lo conseguira? Este cuento explica a los ninos concebidos por donacion de semen, ovulos o de gametos como han sido concebidos. Cada familia podra completar el relato con sus detalles particulares e ir ampliando o profundiizando la informacion en la medida que el nino manifieste curiosidad."
Un Bichito de Luz muy insistente que quiere convertirse en bebe se cuela en el sueno de mama y de papa. Lo conseguira? Este cuento explica a los ninos...
Una cuca de llum molt insistent que vol convertir-se en un nado es fica dins el somni de la mare. Podra aconseguir-ho? El fet de saber com vam neixer es fonamental en la formacio de la identitat. El nen petit incorpora la informacio de manera natural, sense prejudicis. Aixi anira conformant el seu teixit discursiu i podra fer front, amb seguretat, als prejudicis que la societat li pugui presentar. A mesura que vagi creixent es podra anar ampliant la informacio quan el nen manifesti interes per coneixer altres detalls. Es probable que pregunti sobre el metode de concepcio, sobre el sistema...
Una cuca de llum molt insistent que vol convertir-se en un nado es fica dins el somni de la mare. Podra aconseguir-ho? El fet de saber com vam neixer ...
Un conte de reproducciO assistida. Per explicar als nens nascuts grAcies a la donaciO de semen, Ovuls o l' adopciO d'embrions com van ser estimats per la mare i el pare molt abans de nEixer i com es converteixin en un nadO.
Una cuca de llum molt insistent que vol convertir-se en un nadO es fica dins el somni de la mare i el pare. PodrA aconsegui-ho?
Un conte de reproducciO assistida. Per explicar als nens nascuts grAcies a la donaciO de semen, Ovuls o l' adopciO d'embrions com van ser estimats ...
One night, whilst Mum and Mummy, who love each other very much, were sleeping, they dreamt of a very insistent Little Lightning Bug who wanted to become a baby... Will they be successful?
This tale is a starting point so that you, as a couple of mums, can explain to your child that has been conceived ussing assisted reproduction techniques and thanks to the donor sperm.
You can find more information about The books abut the Little Lightning Bug's journey at: www.liberumvoxbooks.com
One night, whilst Mum and Mummy, who love each other very much, were sleeping, they dreamt of a very insistent Little Lightning Bug who wanted to b...
You want them to grow up healthy, strong and happy. Without anyone or anything hurting them. You are alert and on guard so that nothing perturbs that miraculous opening up to life of that wonderful little person.
You want to protect them from everything, though you also know that is impossible and it's not good for them either. But what you can, and indeed you do is to give them the tools so they can construct their own values and then safely go out into the world.
This tale of assisted reproduction acts a...
It's been a long road... but your child is here.
You want them to grow up healthy, strong and happy. Without anyone or anything hurting them...