This book includes selected papers presented at the MIMS (Mediterranean Institute for the Mathematical Sciences) - GGTM (Geometry and Topology Grouping for the Maghreb) conference, held in memory of Mohammed Salah Baouendi, a most renowned figure in the field of several complex variables, who passed away in 2011.
This book includes selected papers presented at the MIMS (Mediterranean Institute for the Mathematical Sciences) - GGTM (Geometry and Topology Groupin...
This book provides the latest competing research results on non-commutative harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces with many applications. It also includes the most recent developments on other areas of mathematics including algebra and geometry. Lie group representation theory and harmonic analysis on Lie groups and on their homogeneous spaces form a significant and important area of mathematical research. These areas are interrelated with various other mathematical fields such as number theory, algebraic geometry, differential geometry, operator algebra, partial differential equations...
This book provides the latest competing research results on non-commutative harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces with many applications. It also in...
This book collects a series of important works on noncommutative harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces and related topics. All the authors participated in the 6th Tunisian-Japanese conference "Geometric and Harmonic Analysis on homogeneous spaces and Applications" held at Djerba Island in Tunisia during the period of December 16-19, 2019. The aim of this conference and the five preceding Tunisian-Japanese meetings was to keep up with the active development of representation theory interrelated with various other mathematical fields, such as number theory, algebraic geometry, differential...
This book collects a series of important works on noncommutative harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces and related topics. All the authors participa...