Eve's life revolves around her job. Having survived a celestial apocalypse resulting in the abandonment of Angels and Demons on Earth, she is now a Demon Rehabilitation Officer, working to help displaced Demons to become productive members of society Decimus is a Battle Demon, a survivor as well. Trying to make a life for himself on Earth is difficult. Humans are prejudiced against the many homeless Demons. Fate brings them together, but their passion and love comes at a price of ridicule and hatred from the Human community. And Decimus' old compatriots are regrouping to finish the job they...
Eve's life revolves around her job. Having survived a celestial apocalypse resulting in the abandonment of Angels and Demons on Earth, she is now a De...
Eve's life revolves around her job. Having survived a celestial apocalypse resulting in the abandonment of Angels and Demons on Earth, she is now a Demon Rehabilitation Officer, working to help displaced Demons to become productive members of society Decimus is a Battle Demon, a survivor as well. Trying to make a life for himself on Earth is difficult. Humans are prejudiced against the many homeless Demons. Fate brings them together, but their passion and love comes at a price of ridicule and hatred from the Human community. And Decimus' old compatriots are regrouping to finish the job...
Eve's life revolves around her job. Having survived a celestial apocalypse resulting in the abandonment of Angels and Demons on Earth, she is now a...
I was seventeen when my father gave my hand to the Devil...
I was married to him on my eighteenth birthday.
Married to a man who was ruthless, cruel and heartless. I had been taken away from the man I loved, the life we had planned together, but I was ever the dutiful daughter, until one day, I witnessed the true nature of my husband, Emmanuel Rivas.
I was seventeen when my father gave my hand to the Devil...