You know my cycle, something good is always followed by something bad. If being molested, beaten by my mother and brother, finding my real father, being shot, raped, stabbed, escorting and almost killed from someone that was in love with my husband wasnt enough; Im now living with HIV and my body is fighting another infection, this one in my mouth from the wire that held my teeth together. And to top that off, my ex publisher was trying to fuck and extort me throughout this entire process; LITERALLY.
You know my cycle, something good is always followed by something bad. If being molested, beaten by my mother and brother, finding my real father, bei...
Isn't life crazy? You can't go messing over GOD's children and not think it will come back to you. Everything done in the dark always comes to the light. How can you throw a stone and try to hide your hand after the fact?
Some of my molesters molested or raped someone before me and after me. So many people reached out that were victims of my molesters that it's insane. One of my molesters named has 11 victims including me; he personally raped 5 women, molested 5 girls, one of whom is his niece.
How could these bastards get away with taking someone's innocence? How could the...
Isn't life crazy? You can't go messing over GOD's children and not think it will come back to you. Everything done in the dark always comes to the ...