Outcry - Holocaust Memoirs, a profoundly moving autobiography
Manny Steinberg spent his teens in Nazi camps in Germany and Poland, miraculously surviving while millions perished. This is his story.
Born in 1925 in the Jewish ghetto in Radom (Poland), Manny Steinberg soon realized that people of Jewish faith were increasingly being regarded as outsiders. When the Nazis invaded in September 1939 the nightmare started. The city's Jewish population had no chance of escaping and was faced with starvation, torture, sexual abuse and ultimately deportation.
Outcry is the...
Outcry - Holocaust Memoirs, a profoundly moving autobiography
Manny Steinberg spent his teens in Nazi camps in Germany and Poland, miraculou...
Outcry - Holocaust Memoirs, a profoundly moving autobiography
Manny Steinberg spent his teens in Nazi camps in Germany and Poland, miraculously surviving while millions perished. This is his story.
Born in 1925 in the Jewish ghetto in Radom (Poland), Manny Steinberg soon realized that people of Jewish faith were increasingly being regarded as outsiders. When the Nazis invaded in September 1939 the nightmare started. The city's Jewish population had no chance of escaping and was faced with starvation, torture, sexual abuse and ultimately deportation.
Outcry is the...
Outcry - Holocaust Memoirs, a profoundly moving autobiography
Manny Steinberg spent his teens in Nazi camps in Germany and Poland, miraculou...
Souvenirs d'un survivant de la Shoah - une autobiographie extrêmement touchante.
Manny Steinberg (Radom 1925 – Los Angeles 2015) a passé son adolescence dans les camps de concentration nazis d'Allemagne. Il a miraculeusement survécu alors que des millions ont péri. Voici son histoire.
Né en 1925 dans le Ghetto juif de Radom, en Pologne, Manny Steinberg a vite compris que les membres du peuple juif étaient de plus en plus marginalisés. En septembre 1939, ce fut l'invasion nazie, et le début...
Souvenirs d'un survivant de la Shoah - une autobiographie extrêmement touchante.
Manny Steinberg (1925-2015) verbrachte seine Jugendzeit in den Konzentrationslagern Auschwitz, Vaihingen an der Enz und Dachau. Steinberg war insgesamt sechs Jahre in diesen Konzentrationslagern interniert und nahm sich nach seiner Befreiung vor, seine Autobiographie Aufschrei gegen das Vergessen. Erinnerungen an den Holocaust zu schreiben.
Damit erfüllte er sich ein selbst auferlegtes Versprechen. Es dauerte zehn Jahre, bis er seine Lebensgeschichte zu Papier gebracht hatte und jetzt wird Aufschrei gegen das Vergessen von so vielen Lesern auf der ganzen...
Manny Steinberg (1925-2015) verbrachte seine Jugendzeit in den Konzentrationslagern Auschwitz, Vaihingen an der Enz und Dachau. Steinberg war insge...