Contains the contributions to the International WTA-PRECOM³OS Symposium (Leuven, Belgium, 3-5 April 2019), and focusses on preventive conservation approaches, including climate and damage monitoring, and how to implement these monitoring tools within a systemic and integrated approach.
Contains the contributions to the International WTA-PRECOM³OS Symposium (Leuven, Belgium, 3-5 April 2019), and focusses on preventive conservation ap...
The Future of the Past is a biennial conference generally carried out during the commemoration date of the incorporation of Santa Ana de Los Ríos de Cuenca Ecuador as a World Heritage Site. Contributions reflected round a worldwide challenge in the cultural field: revealing the paths towards participatory governance of cultural heritage.
The Future of the Past is a biennial conference generally carried out during the commemoration date of the incorporation of Santa Ana de Los Ríos de ...