This is a unique, practical, and helpful book about anxiety and how faith can help. Written by a practicing Christian psychiatrist, it draws upon her many years of experience helping people with mental conditions including phobias of various kinds, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), and other issues including domestic abuse, which she affirms does sometimes even happen among churchgoing believers.
Eshewing all easy believisms and pious platitudes, Dr. Elaine Eng describes each condition through...
This is a unique, practical, and helpful book about anxiety and how faith can help. Written by a practicing Christian psychiatrist, it draws upon her ...
This book, by a Christian psychiatrist who happens to be blind, shows how resolve is the key to resilience. The stories, all of which are true, and the examples or cases that are included (also true) all show how determination plus faith can overcome any obstacle. After all, if she can climb a 30 fall, what is holding you back? Or if she can be struck by a SUV and still participate in a mission trip only days later, buoyed by her commitment to fulfilling the mission God has given her, are you going to let a few aches and pains hold you back?
Here we should examine the role of...
This book, by a Christian psychiatrist who happens to be blind, shows how resolve is the key to resilience. The stories, all of which are true, and...