The Bottle, the Breast, and the State: The Politics of Infant Feeding in the United States explores the ways in which breastfeeding is both promoted and made difficult in the United States. It also examines how the use of formula is often shamed yet encouraged by many standard medical and government practices. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, it explores the politics, policies, and individual experiences surrounding infant feeding. Oakley shows that a failure to separate the issue of breastfeeding rights and support, from problematic approaches to breastfeeding advocacy, in...
The Bottle, the Breast, and the State: The Politics of Infant Feeding in the United States explores the ways in which breastfeeding is both promoted a...
This book explores how breastfeeding is both promoted and made difficult in the United States, while the use of formula is simultaneously shamed and promoted. An exploration of feminist scholarship, forms of advocacy, grassroots activism, and breastfeeding experiences sheds light on a way forward that offers substantive support without shaming.
This book explores how breastfeeding is both promoted and made difficult in the United States, while the use of formula is simultaneously shamed and p...