God's WOW Words For You introduces God's Two WOW Words - Jesus Christ (the Living Word of God) and the Bible (the Written Word of God)... This large print book is primarily designed for the new Christian in mind but will also challenge and remind more mature Christians... There are two sets of of interactive studies to help introduce and/or remind people about God's WOW Words - Jesus Christ and the Bible... Not only do we see together what the Bible says about God's WOW Words, but we also see the how and why For instance why does Jesus Christ need to be simultaneously both fully God and...
God's WOW Words For You introduces God's Two WOW Words - Jesus Christ (the Living Word of God) and the Bible (the Written Word of God)... This large p...
Do you find that making decisions to follow God closely to live life right is sometimes like walking a tightrope - a balancing act? Well here is some good news Here in chapter 12 of his magnificent letter of the Bible we know as Romans, the Apostle Paul gives some practical advice for Christians. Christians who are to live whole lives worthy of following and belonging to God and showing this love of God by loving all others. This involves taking risks particularly in the world today where the existence of God is often denied and who is, at best, ignored. This book contains 30 days of studies...
Do you find that making decisions to follow God closely to live life right is sometimes like walking a tightrope - a balancing act? Well here is some ...
The great Apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans, logically states his case about God and humanity. John Stott said that "Romans is a manifesto of freedom through Jesus Christ" Paul's Letter to the Romans scares some people because of its depth of theology and of course it's challenge to the Christian life. Come inside and take some baby steps exploring this magnificent book of freedom - Romans. In these studies we look at the topic of freedom as expounded by the Apostle Paul to the ancient Church in Rome, and what that all has to do with us in the 21st century. This book is part of the...
The great Apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans, logically states his case about God and humanity. John Stott said that "Romans is a manifesto of f...
All life can be found within the Psalms. Whatever our experiences, one of the Psalms will talk about it, reflect upon it and give wisdom in dealing with situation. This little book is but a mere glimpse of its innate riches which will hopefully give you an appetite to investigate the beauty and majesty of the Psalms. Martin Luther said of the Psalms, "Every Christian who would abound in prayer and piety ought, in all reason, to make the Psalms his manual." He adds "The Psalter has been lauded and loved by many holy fathers above the other books of the Scripture; and, indeed, the work itself...
All life can be found within the Psalms. Whatever our experiences, one of the Psalms will talk about it, reflect upon it and give wisdom in dealing wi...
Come inside for a glimpse into the Books of Acts - a book of action, dynamism and vitality Jesus' resurrection from the dead was the catalyst for the mission of the church, which began with the disciples and has continued throughout history. Indeed, the growth and spread of the church, is evidence of the historical fact of Jesus' physical resurrection, or rising from the dead. However, Jesus has now ascended back to God. What happened next? How did this small group of followers respond?
Come inside for a glimpse into the Books of Acts - a book of action, dynamism and vitality Jesus' resurrection from the dead was the catalyst for the...
The nation of Israel was to be God's representative to the pagan nations and to the world. But, Israel had disobeyed and now God's name was a laughing stock amongst the nations. So God was going to act He calls his man for the occasion - Ezekiel. Come inside and see a glimpse of what this man told the people of Israel about themselves and also about their God
The nation of Israel was to be God's representative to the pagan nations and to the world. But, Israel had disobeyed and now God's name was a laughing...
1 & 2 Chronicles serves as a reminder to the ancient exiled nation of Israel their spiritual heritage, journey & history G'day Welcome to this little book aiming to give a glimpse into the Books of 1 & 2 Chronicles. These are based on a series of talks I have given on these marvelous books of the Old Testament. Therefore this little book is not an exhaustive study into them but a mere glimpse of their innate riches which will hopefully give you an appetite to investigate it for yourself. Together we look at King David's amazing final prayer, Solomon hears a voice in the night and an epic...
1 & 2 Chronicles serves as a reminder to the ancient exiled nation of Israel their spiritual heritage, journey & history G'day Welcome to this little...
Glimpses into the Gospels of the New Testament - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The man we know as Jesus Christ, is the one whom Christian claim came in love. Jesus came into the world as their Saviour, to guide people into the Kingdom of God. In this llttle book of the Glimpses series, together we delve into some of the words of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In doing so, we investigate what they meant when he spoke them and what significance they have for people today. People who are seeking to live out a life worthy of being called disciples of Jesus Christ. Christians being used by Jesus Christ...
Glimpses into the Gospels of the New Testament - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The man we know as Jesus Christ, is the one whom Christian claim came i...
Are you a Christian Disciple? Fabulous How well do you know the God you follow? God has a grip on you, but how good is your grip on Him? Are you holding on to Him by just your fingernails? Or do you have a good firm grip on His hand, just as a baby grips onto the hand of their father? As Christian Disciples, we are only just beginning to know what it means that God became human. When on that moment the holy & sinless God, chose to enter human history and became man. Why? So that humans could choose for themselves to be in a relationship with God or not, accepting freely that they are...
Are you a Christian Disciple? Fabulous How well do you know the God you follow? God has a grip on you, but how good is your grip on Him? Are you hold...
Are you a Christian Disciple? Fabulous How well do you know the God you follow? God has a grip on you, but how good is your grip on Him? Are you holding on to Him by just your fingernails? Or do you have a good firm grip on His hand, just as a baby grips onto the hand of their father? As Christian Disciples, we are only just beginning to know what it means that God became human. When on that moment the holy & sinless God, chose to enter human history and became man. Why? So that humans could choose for themselves to be in a relationship with God or not, accepting freely that they are...
Are you a Christian Disciple? Fabulous How well do you know the God you follow? God has a grip on you, but how good is your grip on Him? Are you hold...