This is the continuing story of a family set within the backdrop of two World Wars their uncertainties, insecurities, and struggles. The tale continues of young man from humble origins who struggles with love and life. It deals with the multi layers of life, which like an onion, when peeled, some layers bring tears but others can bring a rich flavour to life. The story confronts the equal bedfellows of joy and suffering, love and hate, good and evil, to the very depths of man's depravity. It encourages the reader, not to be a passive observer but part of their lives. 'Margaret, he whispered,...
This is the continuing story of a family set within the backdrop of two World Wars their uncertainties, insecurities, and struggles. The tale continue...
THE COLOUR OF ENVY This story is set in the reign of Henry II arguably one of England's greatest kings. Unfortunately, his reign is forever overshadowed by the murder of Thomas Becket. On hearing of the fortunes to be made at the tournais in France, a young knight Richard Maillorie rides away from his impoverished home hoping to restore the family's wealth. He is handsome, talented, successful, and is invited to become part of the acclaimed William Marshal's elite band of warriors. They soon become firm friends both having the highest ideals of honour and self-sacrifice. When Richard returns...
THE COLOUR OF ENVY This story is set in the reign of Henry II arguably one of England's greatest kings. Unfortunately, his reign is forever overshadow...
"DREAM WORLD" is set in the few years immediately before and after 1066. William the Conqueror could never have imagined the impact that gruesome October day on Senlac ridge would have, not only on the establishing of the England we know, but debatably, the history of the world. This story puts flesh on the names and breath in the lungs of the people, etched into every English person's psyche from school days. Jarl Magnus Matthewson, from Northumbria, having been plunged into the cauldron of history, is faced with the moral choices conflicting with loyalty, honour and friendship, and his...
"DREAM WORLD" is set in the few years immediately before and after 1066. William the Conqueror could never have imagined the impact that gruesome Octo...