Having grown up on a farm in Skagit Valley, Captain Gerald (aka "Jerry") Bell graduated from La Conner High School in 1958. He currently resides in Western Washington. Hired by Dunlap Towing in 1959, Jerry worked the next 50 years on tugboats. He spent the first ten years working his way from deckhand to mate and then from mate to part time captain. Once promoted to captain, Jerry continued to work another 40 years at that position. He has worked almost every inch of the Pacific Coast, (including inlets, bays, harbors and rivers) from Ketchikan, Alaska to Los Angeles, California. 1959 to 1969...
Having grown up on a farm in Skagit Valley, Captain Gerald (aka "Jerry") Bell graduated from La Conner High School in 1958. He currently resides in We...