Short tales rhymed on a target sound These tiny stories are meant for amusement and enjoyable learning. If you want to improve your English but the traditional learning doesnt appeal to you, try this little book; the result is amazing. The stories are short. Words with different graphemes rime on the target sound. The plot helps you relate and remember them. The lay out also provides indirect effective exposition to basic grammar, which facilitates its natural acquisition. Related vocabulary, that you may not know, is also introduced in context. Idioms, common in oral English, are used. It is...
Short tales rhymed on a target sound These tiny stories are meant for amusement and enjoyable learning. If you want to improve your English but the tr...
These PRONUNCIATION MINDMAPS are unique. They relate sound and spelling. a.The target sound appears in phonetics in a central image. b.Branches with different spellings radiate from the central image. The mind maps are enhanced with colour and pictures to add interest and loveliness. So they attract attention, enhance memory and improve the recall of information. Mind maps store data efficiently and so multiply your capacity. It is an evident visual display of the English sounds related to spelling. All the system displayed in 22 Mindmaps.
These PRONUNCIATION MINDMAPS are unique. They relate sound and spelling. a.The target sound appears in phonetics in a central image. b.Branches with d...
Nuestros MAPAS MENTALES exponen visualmente cada sonido y sus diversas e inusitadas grafias. Algunas vocales y consonantes inglesas no existen en espanol, o se escriben y pronuncian diferente. Peor aun, la misma letra o el mismo grupo de letras o diptongo no se pronuncia siempre igual; es preciso aprender a pronunciarlas e identificarlas en sus multiples representaciones graficas. En efecto, la caotica y confusa ortografia inglesa propicia el error. Un sonido vocalico ingles puede tener hasta 11 representaciones graficas diferentes; vocales que se pronuncian como diptongos y diptongos que se...
Nuestros MAPAS MENTALES exponen visualmente cada sonido y sus diversas e inusitadas grafias. Algunas vocales y consonantes inglesas no existen en espa...