The purpose of this book is to awaken and acquaint Christians with the devilish religion called Islam, now headed up by their most vicious, best equipped and best funded group called ISIS. ISIS stands for the "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" - the territories formally occupied by the Assyrian Empire. We try to explain ISIS' attempt to the Islamic Empire and the Caliphate. The last Islamic Empire, the Ottoman Empire, was brought down by Christian nations in 1924. The Islamic brotherhood was formed in 1928 in Egypt, for the expressed purpose of destroying the "Great Satan," the USA and the...
The purpose of this book is to awaken and acquaint Christians with the devilish religion called Islam, now headed up by their most vicious, best equip...
My purpose in this booklet is briefly to demonstrate God's blessings upon America because our founding fathers chose Jesus Christ to be Lord over this nation, based on Psalm 33:12. We cite President George Washington's inaugural prayer over America, invoking God's greatest blessings upon it. The President concluded his prayer saying: "If this nation ever turns its back on God, it would lose God's smiles" (favor). America was also favored by God because of our benevolent treatment of the Jews. It is an indisputable fact that the Lord has blessed America above all the nations; and America was...
My purpose in this booklet is briefly to demonstrate God's blessings upon America because our founding fathers chose Jesus Christ to be Lord over this...