WEBE Gullah/Geechee Cultural Capital & Collaboration Anthology is the second anthology compiled by Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation (www.QueenQuet.com). This historic work details interdisciplinary research within the Gullah/Geechee Nation. Ethnography, anthropology, science, history, and literary contributions and analysis all come to life within these pages. This book not only provides the history of the evolution of the Gullah/Geechee culture, but also focuses on the issues of leveraging cultural capital in the current human rights movement of the Gullah/Geechee Nation....
WEBE Gullah/Geechee Cultural Capital & Collaboration Anthology is the second anthology compiled by Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation ...
Frum Wi Soul tuh de Soil: The Cash Crops of the Sea Islands-Cotton, Rice, and Indigo is Volume III in the series, "Gullah/Geechee: Africa's Seeds in the Winds of the Diaspora." This is one of a thirty volume series on Gullah/Geechee history, heritage, and culture written by Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation (www.QueenQuet.com). www.gullahgeecheenation.com
Frum Wi Soul tuh de Soil: The Cash Crops of the Sea Islands-Cotton, Rice, and Indigo is Volume III in the series, "Gullah/Geechee: Africa's Seeds in t...
This is the fifth volume of the thirty volume series called "Gullah/Geechee: Africa's Seed in the Winds of the Diaspora." This volume takes the reader on a journey from the entry of enslaved Africans into Sullivan's Island in Charleston, South Carolina to the establishment of the Gullah/Geechee Nation which was recognized at this same point of entry. The souls that scream from beneath the concrete of Charleston have had their words, trials, and triumphs scribed in this particular work. They have gone from the auction block to nationhood. www.gullahgeecheenation.com
This is the fifth volume of the thirty volume series called "Gullah/Geechee: Africa's Seed in the Winds of the Diaspora." This volume takes the reader...
Seekin' Purpose is a Gullah/Geechee Devotional scribed by Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation (www.QueenQuet.com). It is designed for a twelve month journey through reading, journaling, and praying which focuses the readers energy on her or his purpose. The pages take the devotee through proverbial words that were instilled in the souls of Gullah/Geechees over generations.
Seekin' Purpose is a Gullah/Geechee Devotional scribed by Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation (www.QueenQuet.com). It is designed for a...