In the 12 short months since the ELA versions of The Common Core Companions, Grades K-2 and 3-5, burst on the scene, they've already assisted tens of thousands of teachers with the day-to-day "what you do." Teachers' one big criticism: what about mathematics? Luckily NCTM past-president Linda Gojak and mathematics coach Ruth Harbin Miles stepped up to the task. The result? That version of the mathematics standards you wish you had.
Page by page, The Common Core Mathematics Companions...
Your user's guide to the mathematics standards
In the 12 short months since the ELA versions of The Common Cor...
Transforming the standards into learning outcomes just got a lot easier
In this expansion of the original popular Common Core Mathematics Companions, you can see in an instant how teaching to your state standards should look and sound in the classroom. Under the premise that math is math, the authors provide a Cross-Referencing Index for states implementing their own specific mathematics standards, showing which of your standards are the same as CCSS-M, which differ and how--and which page number to turn to for standards-based teaching...
Transforming the standards into learning outcomes just got a lot easier
Transforming the standards into learning outcomes just got a lot easier
In this expansion of the original popular Common Core Mathematics Companions, you can see in an instant how teaching to your state standards should look and sound in the classroom. Under the premise that math is math, the authors provide a Cross-Referencing Index for states implementing their own specific mathematics standards, showing which of your standards are the same as CCSS-M, which differ and how--and which page number to turn to for standards-based teaching...
Transforming the standards into learning outcomes just got a lot easier